About Me

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München, Bayern, Germany
I love all things motorsports and racing. I have an unhealthy addiction to modifying anything mechanical. Brakes and Suspension are my forte and I love driving fast in slow cars. I am in love with math, physics and knowing how things work. But if there's anything I've learned since being here, it's that experiencing a multitude of other cultures, traveling, and seeing tangible history will enrich ones life in ways no book can offer.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

The past week was really rough on me, but I returned to work after taking Friday and Monday off. While I don't have much to do here, I am preoccupied by thinking about all the things that need to be taken care of that I can't do until I return. Stress level is very high right now.

Yesterday I had spent the day at the test track to assist in some tests. This is all very subjective work as there are no sensors to measure things like comfort. A lot of what we did to day related to feedback and grip properties of tires.

Today, was my last day I had working with my boss, he is away next week for my official end. I got my Praktikumszeugnis (Internship certificate of completion) and we had a meeting over it's contents. My primary boss said he was really happy with my accomplishments considering the language barrier and that they made the right choice in choosing me for this internship. He also complimented my motivation and previous experience when it comes to performance driving; he even made a point to note this on the Zeugnis. This cheered me up after the difficult week I'd had. He told me to contact with him when i'm back in Germany, he's interested in seeing what I've done with myself.

Going away gifts:
I got the map I left with him at 24Hr Rennen Nürburgring with signatures of racers (signed by favorite curves of the track) from:
Joerg Weidinger (my boss who drove the Doerr 135d)
Claudia Hürtgen (Team Schubert Z4 GT3)
Arno Klasen (Manthey Racing Porsche GT3/Doerr Z4GT3)
Arnd Meier ( Doerr Z4 GT3)
Rudi Adams (Doerr Z4 GT3)
Frank Weishar (Doerr 135d)

Claudia Hürtgen also gave me a hat; My boss, Mr.Weishar and Mrs. Hürtgen are involved in the BMW Driver Training, I helped translate a bunch of stuff for one of the seminars for an English speaking group.

Finally my boss gave me a BMW ///M lanyard and a card thanking me for the work I accomplished. The blue car is his Osella PA20 Group CN hill climb car. As stated before, he is two-time Euro Hillclimb champion.

Today was my last Brotzeit in München, I paid for everyone's weisswurst and pretzles and this is my last weekend here.

sad :/


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  2. Cool blog! i'll be following your journey! I'm also doing something similar, if you have chance please check it out!

